Usability of the University of Education, Winneba Website


  • Reginald S.K. Agbo


website survey, website usability survey, University of Education, Winneba Website


A survey on the usability of the University of Education, Winneba website was carried out under four (4) main headings Ease-of-Navigation, Speed, Interactivity and Attitude. A five (5) point likert scale item was used to collect data under the headings. The questions were administered using a ‘limesurvey’ online tool hosted on the University main server and a link to them was placed on the homepage of the University of Education, Winneba website ( Data collected was exported into SPSS for analysis. On the whole, a mean score of 2.75 was obtained on the respondents’ scores indicating that, though respondent seem to suggest that the University of Education, Winneba site was usable, a lot more needed to be done to make it really user friendly.




How to Cite

Kutorglo, E., & Agbo, R. S. (2024). Usability of the University of Education, Winneba Website. Ghana Journal of Higher Education Management, 3(1), 34-39. Retrieved from