About the Journal
International Multidisciplinary Journal of Research and Education (IMJRE) is managed by the International Multidisciplinary Conference for Postgraduate Students (IMCfPS) Secretariat of the University of Education, Winneba Ghana. It publishes high quality manuscripts that are of international significance in terms of design and findings and promote collaboration by international team of researchers to create special issues on topics in education. Papers submitted in this journal must be original and of quality that would be of interest to an international readership. Manuscript submitted to this journal are subject to a peer review process, which involves an international panel of researchers who are experts in relevant fields. It also publishes book reviews of potential interest to readers. The journal is published in both print and online versions. The online version of the journal is free access and downloads. Articles submitted to this journal should not be longer than 15 pages (6000 words) and should ideally follow the American Psychological Association referencing style. Not more than one hundred words abstract should be provided with maximum of 5 keywords. Manuscripts should be submitted in MS word format and email to the Editor in Chief via imcfps@uew.edu.gh Articles are index to Open access, Google Scholar and Academic Search Engines and among others.
Current Issue

International Multidisciplinary Journal of Research and Education (IMJRE) is managed by the International Multidisciplinary Conference for Postgraduate Students (IMCfPS) Secretariat of the University of Education, Winneba Ghana. The journal publishes high quality manuscripts that are of international significance in terms of design and findings to promote collaboration with international team of researchers dealing with special issues and topics in education.
Papers submitted to this journal must be original and of quality that would be of interest to international readership. Manuscript submitted to this journal are subject to a peer review process, which involves an international panel of researchers who are experts in relevant fields. The journal also publishes book reviews of potential interest to readers. The journal is published in both print and online versions. The online version of the journal is free access and downloads.
Articles submitted to this journal should not be longer than 15 pages (6000words) and should ideally follow the American Psychological Association referencing style. Not more than hundred words abstract should be provided with maximum of 5 keywords. Manuscripts should be submitted in MS word format and email to the Editor in Chief via imcps@uew.edu.gh
Articles are index to Open J-Gate, Google Scholar, Universe Digital Library and Academic Search Engines and among others.