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    The Journal of Geographical Research and Report is to advance the field of geography by providing a platform for the dissemination of high-quality, peer-reviewed research. We aim to foster a deeper understanding of geographical phenomena through the publication of original research articles, comprehensive reviews, and insightful reports. Our journal is dedicated to promoting interdisciplinary approaches, encouraging innovative methodologies, and supporting the global exchange of knowledge to address contemporary geographical challenges and contribute to informed decision-making and policy development.


    The Ghana Journal of Education and Teaching (GHAJET) is an open-access journal publishing evidenced-based peer-reviewed research articles on education and teaching. All articles published by GHAJET are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately after publication, without subscription charges or registration barriers.

  • African Journal of Educational Studies in Mathematics and Sciences

    The African Journal of Educational Studies in Mathematics and Sciences (AJESMS) is an international publication that aims at generating fresh scholarly inquiry and exposition in the fields of mathematics education, science education and related disciplines. AJESMS offers a forum for familiarizing the world with the goings-on in research endeavours and original thoughts in these important fields of human learning. Editorial decisions are made by our Editorial Board of active researchers who manage the peer review process and decide which manuscripts should be published. Authors are required to submit their manuscripts online at the journal’s home page by clicking the <About> button, and then the <Submissions> button to Register/Login to submit at the link https://journals.uew.edu.gh/index.php/index/index.

    The published volumes of the journal are also available online at African Journals Online (AJOL) at the link  https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ajesms

  • International Journal for Early Childhood and Educational Research

    The International Journal for Early Childhood and Educational Research focuses on the publication of Empirical and position papers in Early Childhood Education, Basic education and other related areas of study. The Journal is under the auspices of the Department of Early Childhood Education.

    The Journal publishes high quality manuscripts of international standard. Papers admitted to this journal must be original and of quality that would meet international interest. Manuscripts admitted to this journal are subject to peer and blind review process; involving an international panel of researchers who are experts in relevant fields. The journal is published in both print and online editions.

    ISSN NUMBER: 3057-353X

  • International Multidisciplinary Journal of Research and Education (IMJRE)

    International Multidisciplinary Journal of Research and Education (IMJRE) is managed by the International Multidisciplinary Conference for Postgraduate Students (IMCfPS) Secretariat of the University of Education, Winneba Ghana. It publishes high quality manuscripts that are of international significance in terms of design and findings and promote collaboration by international team of researchers to create special issues on topics in education. Papers submitted in this journal must be original and of quality that would be of interest to an international readership. Manuscript submitted to this journal are subject to a peer review process, which involves an international panel of researchers who are experts in relevant fields. It also publishes book reviews of potential interest to readers. The journal is published in both print and online versions. The online version of the journal is free access and downloads. Articles submitted to this journal should not be longer than 15 pages (6000 words) and should ideally follow the American Psychological Association referencing style. Not more than one hundred words abstract should be provided with maximum of 5 keywords. Manuscripts should be submitted in MS word format and email to the Editor in Chief via imcfps@uew.edu.gh Articles are index to Open access, Google Scholar and Academic Search Engines and among others.

  • International Journal of Basic Education Research and Policy

    International Journal of Basic Education Research and Policy is a leading international journal for
    rapid publication of original articles related to issues in education and publishes articles of
    international interest from all areas of education. IJOBERP is an international peer-reviewed,
    quarterly, online and open access journal published by the Department of Basic education of the
    University of Education, Winneba for the enrichment of research in various education disciplines.
    IJOBERP publishes most exciting researches with respect to the subjects of our journal. All
    publications are double-blind peer-reviewed and are open access. IJOBERP aims to publish high-
    quality original research articles and reviews contirbuted by international research community
    within the scope of education as a discipline.

  • Studies in Language, Literature, and Linguistics

    The journal, Studies in Language, Literature and Linguistics, is a refereed journal that seeks to publish high quality, original, and recent research results that focus on all areas of language, literature, and linguistics. The journal accepts submissions from all over the world that promote scholarly exchange among researchers and teachers. Particularly, these submissions must seek to ling findings of research to teaching and learning in different settings and on all educational levels. Submissions must meet the highest standards of scholarly excellence and advance theoretical and practical knowledge in these fields. The journal publishes four regular issues in a volume a year; March, June, September, December. Typically, 8-10 articles are published per issue. Periodically, a special issue may be produced, focusing on a particular topic and this may be guest edited.

    The journal publishes four regular issues in a volume a year; March, June, September, December. Typically, 8-10 articles are published per issue. Periodically, a special issue may be produced, focusing on a particular topic and this may be guest edited.

  • African Journal of Social Sciences Education

    African Journal of Social Sciences Education (AJSSE) is a multi and transdisciplinary journal that provides a forum for examining, discussing, exploring and publicising cutting-edge and innovative research in the social sciences that can inform social science education. AJSSE, thus, provides a platform that bridges content knowledge and educational issues in the social sciences. To that extent, AJSSE welcomes innovative articles that focus on pedagogical issues in the social sciences as well as contributions that explore any theme or topic in the social sciences other than pedagogy. We also accept book reviews and research notes.

  • International Journal of Psychology and Education

    The International Journal of Psychology and Education (IJOPE) emphasises the publication of original investigations that contribute new knowledge and understanding to fields of Psychology and Education (other than clinical and applied experimental or human factors, which are more appropriate for other journals). The IJOPE primarily considers empirical and theoretical investigations that enhance understanding of cognitive, motivational, affective, and behavioural psychological phenomena in work and other organisational settings, broadly defined.

  • Ghana Journal of Languages, Linguistics and Literature

    The Ghana Journal of Languages, Linguistics and Literature (GJoLLL) is published by the Faculty of Ghanaian Languages Education, College of Languages Education, University of Education, Winneba.

    GJoLLL publishes 

    • papers on all aspects of Ghanaian and African Languages, Linguistics and Literature;

    • on occasion, papers written in Ghanaian (African) Languages so far as it is possible to get qualified blind expert reviewers for the language and topic;

    • book reviews and editorials of interest to the community.

  • Ghana Journal of Higher Education Management

    The Ghana Journal of Higher Education Management  (GHAJHEM) is a journal of the UEW branch of the Ghana Association of University Administrators (GAUA).

    GHAJHEM accepts articles that address research, theory or practice in all aspects of Higher Education management. The journal also welcomes position papers, essays on current issues, reflective reports on innovative practices, letters to the editor and book reviews. Letters to the Editor are opportunities for authors to submit brief reports on a study or to offer opinions on issues